Friday, September 4, 2009

The Battle for spot A-34

The Battle for spot A-34
So...let me go back to the first day at Mesa College... ** goes white.. makes that woosh sound....

Picture this.... I'm looking good......looking fine......
ok..... for those who think this is impossible.. let me just paint u the picture then. I have a nice hollister long sleeve button up, new era cap, fake glasses, and lotion to make my skin o so shiny... and I'm driving to school with the A.C. cranked up.
It's 9:30 a.m.
So I'm listening to some SICKKKKKK Korean music. I just came back from Korea and I was diggn it. nah means?! and you know how Korean's do it.... I did the whole head bobbing and SOL-ing (singing out loud). the whole sha-bang
Not just singing, but like you know where your face looks all serious, and you use all the muscles on your face to make a face gesture... Anyways...

I get to school 2 hours early and I decided to park my car. But guess what?.... No parking. I'm driving around and it's like traffic on the 5 Freeway near L.A.
1 hour passes and I am still singing... of course by this time.... I'm like tired.... really tired. (picture not from that day)
Finally through God's mercy and grace, the car right next to me is about to leave. I'm like crying in my heart and coincidentally my ipod at that moment was playing Chris Tomlin's Unfailing Love.
And I'm like "YESSSSSSSSS!!!!" and singing "everyyyytthinnggg,, you hold in you hand!"
the car in front of me which Obviously has no right what so ever to take the spot because it was way too in front of the spot.....starts signalling to the right. I'm like.." O HECK NO MAN. I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE. YOU AINT TAKING THIS SPOT!"
Then outta the car comes 3 black guys who look like they each killed someone that morning. One of them looks at me isntantly... spits on the ground in front of me... and then signals the driver to come reverse in. .....
...and I drove away.

...and that's all he said.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This day and age

I just came to this pastor's kid retreat with Moses yesterday. And honestly, the ONLY reason why I came was to help my buddy Mo with leading it. This retreat is basically for pastor's kids, and it's a time where we tell them we should be proud of being a pk, and not embarrased by it. (which is honest to goodness SUCH A BLESSING to be one). I felt Mo's struggles and his love for his dad. That is why I came. But coming here, I realized there was more to why I came. I think God wanted to teach me more.
It's 8:00 a.m. and some of these kids that woke up early turned on the DVD "Same River Twice." HAHAHA wat the heck kind of movie is that. anyways, there is this nice flute, piano music playing and I was convicted to write in my blog.

Let me rewind a little. Today, I ended up waking up at 4:30 a.m. and going for a morning jog. And I honestly have to say, God is amazing. the campsite is near big bear and there is this small lake next our cabins. I'm running in my kennedy shorts and my hairs are pointing out like spikes because it's pretty chilly. But I love it. the sun is still black/ light blue and you hear birds flirting with one another. I'm guessing it's mating season? I'm running now and I realize that I definately lost a lot of weight and it's easier on my knees. ANDDDD my belly and man boobs dont jiggle. they're firm now like rocks. PRAISE THE LORD. Then I'm coming back when I see one of the pastor's walking on his morning walk and I insisted I walk with him. We start talking about the Church and he ended up telling me this one quote that really moved me. He said that there is a famous writer that said as a Christian in this generation, you need to have a Bible in on hand, and a newspaper in the other. I realized that this was perfectly what my heart wanted to express. I wanted to share the gospel, but in a way that would connect to the lost generation or the lost community that many Christians fail to reach out to. We are awlays focusing on the Bible on the right hand, that we fail to use our empty left hand to support our thoughts and actions.

We even started talking about how there isn't really a church growth these days (especially in the Korean community) but more of a transfer growth. Meaning churches don't grow, but we just switch the members around. And that is so true. and.. I can write about the conversation for another 3 pages,

I just wanted to give a shout out to my God and my Lord and Savior--JESUS CHRIST... Thanking him for everything he's done for us and that we should be more aware of his greatness and beauty. And definately be the servants that he wants us to be and have him use BOTH our hands to evangelize, instead of just one.
Let's us keep our eyes on the real prize, no matter how physically small your eyes can be. like me. -_-

o and this is a short clip of the younger kids waking up HECKA early to play basketball. these fooz ARE CRAZY HAHAH!

and that's all he said.

Friday, June 19, 2009

An explosion to remember

It 4:20 am.
I am tired of powning people on blockles. I'm just sitting down on my back/butt, slouched over and my eyes are open <.0001 mm. It's like 90 degrees in my room and it feels like a jjim jil bang. A sweat is just rolling down between my left eyeball and my left ear and I'm too lazy to get it. I hope it evaporates within a couple minutes, but I doubt it... it's humid in my room too. I get up and open the window and it's getting a bit chilly now. I close my eyes and take in a good whiff of the morning breeze. I feel like Simba when he breathes in the magical wind thingy with like leaves and colorful flowers and grass in Lion King. I smile. My 2 front teeth start to show slowly. And then I slightly open my eyes. You can't tell if I'm opening my eyes or not. Anyways, you get the picture.... and then BOOM BOOM BAM. I turn around... it's quiet and my brothers are sleeping. I think it was a gun shot outside? dang.. when did La Palma get so gangster-ish. We had only one crime in the past 32 years or something. yah... crazy. So I walk over to the window to see wsup.... nothign.... and then as I turn around, I hear Bzup, Bzup BRrp. I look at my brother sleeping on the ground before me.... and I hear it again. Brzup Brrp BOOM BAM. I witnessed..... .... ... .. . my brother fart in his sleep. Is that even possible?
and that's all he said.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

you're never too old

So I hit up 24 hour fitness cuz I've been seriously just eating and sleeping for weeks now... It was 1:20 a.m.

So I'm there. Not really dressed up to work out. I have a white XXL shirt, with cut sleeves. And Dickies shorts, and these FAT shoes my brother lent me.
But anywhos. I start walking around like a kid in a candy store and start pumping some WEAK SAUCE iron. (like the bare minimum.) I do a couple of sets and I feel good about my self. I feel like Rocky in Rocky IV, after noob stomping that Russian machine. I was lifting my hands and smiling in the mirror.

Then I see this old, nerdy looking black guy. He's doing this rowing machine. So I sit up next to him and I start doing it too. I try to match up to his speed because he's pumping that rowing thing like FREAKN' fast. From the outside it looks like we are racing. Some white dood even asked us if we were racing. Anyways... I was rowing for a good 20 minutes.. and by then... i'm feeling it. I'm sweating in my armpits, my head, and i'm jiggling/strugglign from every row from then on. But since the black guy is doing it, I gotta do it. I had to represent Korea. NAH MEAN?! Anyways, his meter counts down to zero and he's done now. In my mind, im like "I beat you son!" then he goes "not bad for a 60 year old eh?" And i'm like " WATTT??" But it was all good. I justified myself because he was a kka-mman-saram. THEN I see his meter clearly, and it says he's been rowing for 60 minutes. And I'm like WOW. But it's not over. He says, "thank you, I needed that to finish my 3rd set" and then....



I felt fat

and that's all he said