Monday, May 17, 2010

Open Eyes + "Candy"

Open eyes + "Candy"

O my. I just read an article that my pastor sent to all the "singles out there". And after reading it, I just felt God's plans for me and His wisdom poured down unto me. Everytime God reveals a little snippet of what He has planned for me, I am always encouraged and filled with joy that just wants to BURST out of my body!!! HAHA Even though I'm not ready, I know what it takes now. And I'm gonna get there! :)

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God has been EXTRA-Humbling me this quarter.... and helping me realize a lot of things.
"I've given you the right to be called my son. I've given you a peace and joy that transcends all knowledge. I've given you a love like no other in Jesus' death on the cross. If I don't give you anything anymore EVER again, you should still be thankful for everything I've done for you already

so today. I was just chilling in my dad's office.(my dad is the head pastor at my church) (my dad was in the cafeteria eating with church people). And I see the door open... and in comes 2 elementary kids (weekly visitors). I remember every week they come to get candy from my dad. And dad is so SOOO SOOOO happy to see them. He rushes over to them with chocolate and candy in his hands and gives them so much! He then embraces them and tells them to be good kids during service. And sometimes, they leave and come back with 2 MORE kids who also want candy. And then.. the first two kids get more candy just for coming back. And Everytime, this scene just makes me laugh and smile.
Well anyways... They came today and they asked me "is candy man here?"

I realized just SO much from this cute incident. We are like these children. We don't know who God is and what He's always doing for us.... we just come to Him when we want to be satisfied or healed... And as God, He is always wanting to come and spoil us with "candy." But sometimes we fail to see how spoiled we are and just come back every week for some more! Even though we are so small compared to God, He still loves us and is always ready to give us the best thing for us--Himself.

Thank you! :)

...and that's all he said